Thursday, August 29, 2013


Looks like I found some more CALB SE cells for my VW Roadster build. This will be a welcome find. I plan on using 60 100 AH Cells to give me 192 volt nominal system. I will run the voltage at 156 volts and my motor amps at 800 and my battery amps at 500 amps. This will give me a voltage sag pad and I should get a solid 156 volts even under load. I may have to limit the voltage to 144 or even 120 volts. But I will be able to utilize my controller as a charger and if I use a dedicated 120 volt 200 amp circuit I can plug in and do some fast charging. I will need a nice inductor but I now have that and should get up to 75 amp charging from that into the cells and 215 volts for charging. Before I do that I will do a charge setup for DC charging to see if my Diesel DC generator will work for 120 volt charging and 100 amp current levels to charge in short order. I do expect some heat.

I do have my funds for my AC-75 for the Porsche 914. Soon.

Pete :)

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